Planning Your Trip
It is important to know what you are signing up for, we are here to take care of your group and make sure everyone has a unique experience and stays safe. Please review the information below and reach out to us with any questions!
We have access to some premiere river-front property. We don't publish these because the land is private and we don't want people poaching fossils, artifacts or wildlife from these properties. We setup meeting spots based on which activity we will be doing. For river floats we'll meet close to a good boat or kayak spot, for river digs near a trailhead, for ocean adventures near the beach. There are many factors that play into this, so we ask for your patience on how this is determined. Beach destinations will take a little bit more travel if you are coming from Disney World, Universal, or LegoLand
What to bring
We encourage you to pack a light backpack with snacks, sunglasses, a hat, sunscreen, a first aid kit, towels and any extra dry clothing. Pack a lunch and drinks in a small cooler.
What to Wear
We suggest you wear old tennis shoes with socks that can get wet with the shoes. They're much more comfortable if you get sand in your shoes. We don't recommend sandals due to the sand and grit getting trapped and creating sores.
What we provide
We provide shovels, sifting screens, other collecting equipment and chairs for digging activities. We provide kayaks, paddles and Personal Floatation devices for river floats. For large groups we provide a motorized pontoon boat.
No matter how clean a river may or may not be, please take every precaution to make sure you don't get water in your mouth, ears, nose or open cuts. We recommend you don't snorkel to be on the safe side. Besides, we can find more digging. Wash your hands before eating when you take a break. Don't bob your head under water to cool off.
Permits & Code of Ethics
- Visitors are expected to respect all private and public properties.
- No visitor shall collect without appropriate permission on private or public properties.
- Visitors should make a sincere effort to keep themselves informed of laws, regulations, and rules on collecting on private or public properties.
- Visitors shall not use firearms, blasting equipment, or dredging apparatuses without appropriate licenses and permits.
- Visitors shall dispose of litter properly.
- Visitors shall report to proper state offices any seemingly important paleontological or archaeological sites.
- Visitors shall respect and cooperate with field trip leaders or designated authorities in all collecting areas.
- Visitors shall appreciate and protect our heritage of natural resources.
- Visitors shall conduct themselves in a manner that best represents FPS.
Fossil hunting activities are regulated via a permit system. We hold a group permit, but also encourage you to apply for your own permit
For more information regarding fossil digging permits, laws or paleontology we recommend you visit the University of Florida Museum of Natural History .
We want to continue to share our passion for fossil digging, and to do so legally and ethically, please help us to maintain our good standing by staying compliant.
If we haven't already contacted you regarding your trip, where to meet up and what to bring please email us at floridafossiladventure@gmail.com. Provide your name, your reservation time and activity and we will get back to you as soon as possible. We want you to enjoy your time in Florida, and will provide top-notch service and communication throughout our excursions.
Cancellations and Refunds
The initial reservation email should provide a cancellation link. When you follow this process it should refund you. If this does not work, please contact us immediately so we can login to our system and remedy the situation. We are pretty flexible, so if we need to reschedule, change the amount of people attending or change activites, just let us know. Please email us at floridafossiladventure@gmail.com with any issues.